Weiner Researcher's Guide

Using the Collection

Special Collections at the FAU Libraries provides detailed information about identifying holdings via the catalog and finding aids.



Room 261 (2nd Floor) in Wimberly Library


General Subject Areas of the Collection

- Anglo-American Political Philosophy (17th-18th c.)
- English Civil War (1640s-1650s)
- American Revolution, especially politics and thought (1760s-1770s)
- Transnational Revolutionary Age (1770s-1790s)
- Early National Memory of Colonial America and Age of Revolutions
- Religion and Government/Toleration (17th-19th c.); Reform Movements and Utopianism (19th c.)
- U.S. Civil War

Cataloged Materials

To view cataloged items, please click on this link: FAU Catalog

The link should send you to an advanced search query in the library catalog. After initially searching, make sure to set the "Location" to "Special Collections, Weiner Early America Collection.” The catalog does not include the majority of the pamphlets in the collection, which can be located in the finding aids below

Uncatalogued Areas of the Collection (Greatest to Smallest)

Uncatalogued Areas of the Collection (Greatest to Smallest)
The Finding Aids describe most of the collection’s pamphlets and manuscript letters.

Pamphlets – Speeches, 1746-1932  
33.0 linear feet (24 boxes)
Political Sermons and speeches on constitutional issues; memory of colonial founding, memory of French and American revolutions; war of 1812; slavery, reform movements (1765-1783, 1787-1789, 1796-1800, 1800-1865)

 Pamphlets – Congressional, 1764-1953
24.0 linear feet (45 boxes)
Pre-Independence provincial assembly speeches, proceedings, reports (1770-); votes, proceedings, and sermons of Continental Congress (1774-1783); Congressional acts, speeches (1792-1890, esp. 1850s-1870s)

 British Pamphlets, 1770-1909

22.5 linear feet (46 boxes)
Religious and constitutional issues; English Civil War (a lot), Restoration; Anti-Popery, succession crisis; Glorious Revolution: sermons, politics, constitutional issues, political philosophy; standing armies and militias; Georgian constitutional pamphlets; acts/laws (1710-1780, 1800-1820, 1845-1860); war with Spain (1739-1747); political and constitutional essays (Parliament, majority/minority); imperial reform (American Revolution), colonial system, taxation; constitutional debate; American conflict, war; French Revolution; 19th-c. reform movements (anti-slavery, disability)

American Pamphlets – Essays and Reports, 1745-1983

and More American Pamphlets – Published Letters, 1744-1904

15.0 linear feet (27 boxes)
American Revolutionary thought; constitutional philosophy (1780s), constitutional conflicts in early republic; U.S. international affairs (1790s, 1800s); War of 1812; internal improvements and taxes/tariffs; memory of the Revolution; political philosophy; 19th c. reform movements (anti-slavery, prisons, disability, temperance); religious schisms; U.S. Civil War: causes, diplomacy, conduct, constitutional considerations; Reconstruction and Redemption

17th and 18th c. European Pamphlets (and some mss.) – Foreign Language, 1653-1942
9.0 feet (20 boxes)
Dutch: 1700s, 1740s, 1760s-1790s (10 boxes)
French: political documents, 1600-1630, 1685-1690, 1710-1720, 1776-1780, 1790-1796 (5 boxes)
German letters and pamphlets: religion, religious toleration; English Revolution, Glorious Revolution (a lot), English Parliament, Jacobitism; German military, diplomacy, peace negotiations (1 box)
Latin: political pamphlets, education, history (1620s/30s, 1650s, 1690s) (1 box)
Italian: fascism 1930s (1 box)

3.0 linear feet (5 boxes)
Harvard (1800s, 1840), Washington College; tariffs; Anti-slavery; Catholicism, Know Nothings; Sport and leisure; Civil War memory (1880s and 1890s), 19th c. reprints of founding documents

Manuscript Letters and Documents, 1638-1977
2.0 linear feet (4 boxes)
Constitutional issues (colonial and revolutionary); misc. court documents, population, and military (1760s and 1770s); family; committee of correspondence; French-language thoughts on Spain’s interest in North America; receipts and taxes/tariffs/duties; Freeman family letters and biography (1769-1800, 1820s)

Almanacs, 1769-1908
1.5 linear feet (3 boxes)
Thirty-six 18th-c. almanacs (astronomical and agricultural, 1763-1783); other agricultural almanacs (1880-1910)

French Revolution Pamphlets, 1789-1793
1.0 linear foot (2 boxes)
see also British Pamphlets for English language material

 For the Library’s full finding aid directory, please go to the Special Collections Finding Aids Repository