Faculty & Staff

History Group 2017

Nicole Anslover Nicole Anslover (bio)
Associate Professor and Director
History Department Symposia Series
20th-century U.S., American Presidency
nanslover@fau.edu | 561-297-2444

Evan Bennett Evan Bennett (bio)
Associate Professor
20th-century U.S., Florida, American South
ebennett@fau.edu | 561.297.0008

Claudia Dunlea Claudia Dunlea (bio)
Senior Instructor
Modern Europe
cdunlea@fau.edu | 561.297.1001

Stephen D. Engle Stephen D. Engle (bio)
19th-century America, Civil War and Reconstruction
engle@fau.edu | 561.297.2444

Adrian Finucane Adrian Finucane (bio)
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Programs
Colonial America, Caribbean, Trade
afinucane@fau.edu | 561.297.3593

Joseph Foley Joseph Foley (bio)
20th-century U.S., African America
foleyj@fau.edu | 561-297-1103

Barbara Ganson Barbara Ganson (bio)
Latin America, Aviation
bganson@fau.edu | 561.297.4125

Eric Hanne Eric Hanne (bio)
Associate Professor and Associate Chair
Director of Undergraduate Programs
Early Middle East, Islamic, Ottoman
ehanne@fau.edu | 561.297.3847

Kenneth Holloway Kenneth Holloway (bio)
Ancient China, Japan, Intellectual
khollow4@fau.edu | 561.297.1328

Douglas Kanter Douglas Kanter (bio)
Associate Professor and Chair
Fellow of the Royal Historical Society
Modern Britain, British Empire, Ireland
dkanter1@fau.edu | 561.297.3841

Patricia Kollander Patricia Kollander (bio)
Modern Germany, Russia, European Diplomatic
kollande@fau.edu | 561.297.4156

Michael Lovell Michael Lovell (bio)
Postdoctoral Fellow
Early Medieval Europe
mlovell@fau.edu | 561-297-2893

Ben Lowe Ben Lowe (bio)
Early Modern Europe, Tudor-Stuart England, Intellectual
                     bplowe@fau.edu | 561.297.3951

Douglas McGetchin Douglas McGetchin (bio)
World History, Modern Europe/Germany, India
dmcgetch@fau.edu | 561.799.8226

Placeholder for Heath Mitton Steven H. Mitton (bio)
19th Century America, World History, Historical Writing
smitton@fau.edu | 561.297.4796

Sandra Norman Sandra Norman (bio)
Associate Professor
Public, Material Culture, Environmental
norman@fau.edu | 561.297.2621

Mark H. Rose Mark H. Rose (bio)
20th-century U.S., Urban, Business, Public Policy
mrose@fau.edu | 561.297.4295

Jermaine Scott Jermaine Scott (bio)
Assistant Professor
20th-Century African American, African Diaspora, Black Politics and Culture, Race and Sport
scottj@fau.edu | 561.297.1328

Jason Sharples Jason Sharples (bio)
Associate Professor, Interim Director of History Symposia Series Colonial North America, American Slavery, Revolutionary America
                  jsharples@fau.edu | 561.297.4928

Eyal Weinberg Eyal Weinberg (bio)
Assistant Professor
Modern Latin America, Brazil, Science and Medicine, Cold War Politics
eweinberg@fau.edu | 561-297-2687

Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College

Christopher Ely Christopher Ely (bio)
Modern Russia, European Cultural
cely@fau.edu | 561.799.8607

Chris Strain Chris Strain (bio)
American Studies, African-American, Ethnic Studies
cstrain@fau.edu | 561.799.8017


Carla Bonfanti Carla Bonfanti
Program Assistant
cbonfanti@fau.edu | 561-297-3840


Emeritus and Retired Faculty 

Dr. Sarah H. Brown (bio)
Retired Faculty
20th-Century U.S., American South, Civil Rights, Florida 
sbrown@fau.edu | 561.297.3840

Dr.Graciella Cruz-Taura (bio)
Retired Faculty
Latin America, Cuba, Cuban-American Studies 
cruz@fau.edu | 561.297.3840

Boyd Breslow (bio)
Retired Faculty
Greece and Rome, Medieval Europe/England 
breslow@fau.edu | 561.297.3840

Miriam Sanua Dalin (bio) 
American Jewish, Zionism, Sephardic Studies 
msdalin@fau.edu | 561.297.3840