carol bishop mills

Dr. Carol Bishop Mills
Website • Academic History • Research • Teaching and Mentoring • Contact
PhD, Communication Theory, Purdue University
MA, Health Communication, Emerson College
BS, Organizational Communication & English, University of Miami
Phone: 561-297-3850
Areas of Expertise: Relational and Interpersonal Communication, Health Communication
Have you ever wondered why we tease one another to show affection, affiliation and care—even love—yet can also use teasing to hurt, demean, and criticize?
Have you ever looked at organizations and noticed rampant aggressive interactions, even bullying, and wondered, "What can be done to stop it?" and "Why is it even happening?"
And, have you ever looked at relationships and wondered, "Why do they pretend to be friends when they so clearly dislike each other?"
Well, if you have, you understand the types of questions that motivate me to answer -- what drives my research and my practice. I am a relational communication scholar interested in communication that lies at the nexus of dark side and light side of communication, and I am always motivated to do research that ultimately helps us communicate better with others.
Currently, I am using my research interests by putting my own skills to the test at the School of Communication and Multimedia Studies at Florida Atlantic University. I work with an incredible faculty from Communication Studies, Journalism, and Film, Video and New Media. I'm always looking for new ways to study (in)effective communication, so if you are interested in collaboration, let me know!
Peer -Reviewed Journal Articles
Mills, C.B., Yu, P., Mongeau, P. (in press). Frenemies: Acting like friends but feeling like enemies. Western Journal of Communication.
Goodboy, A.K., Martin, M.M., Mills, C.B. & Clark, C.V. (2022) Workplace Bullying in Academia: A Conditional Process Model. Management Communication Quarterly.
Mills, C. B., Kwon, A. C., & Brown, K. A. (2021). Examining the COMM in COMMunity Policing: Communication Accommodation, Perception, and Trust in Law Enforcement-Suspect Encounters. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 36(2), 333-341.
Mills, C. B., & Scudder, J. N. (2020). He said, she said: the effectiveness and outcomes of responses to sexual harassment. International Journal of Business Communication, 2329488420941924.
Mills, C. B., Keller, M., Chilcutt, A., & Nelson, M. D. (2018). No laughing matter: workplace bullying, humor orientation, and leadership styles. Workplace Health & Safety.
Mills, C.B. (2016). Child’s Play or Risky Business? The development of teasing functions and relational implications in school-aged children. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 35, 287–306. doi: 10.1177/0265407516683557.
COM 2053 Intro to Communication and Civic Life
SPC 2300 Interpersonal Communication
SPC 3425 Small Group Processes