Edited Books

Edited by Richard Shusterman

Cover Image

Somaesthetics and Design Culture

2023, Brill

Review in The Design Journal (2024)

Bodies in the Streets

2019, Brill

Brill book cover 2019

Brill book cover 2018

Aesthetic Experience and Somaesthetics

2018, Brill

  • Italian Review of Aesthetic Experience and Somaesthetics
  • Review of Aesthetic Experience and Somaesthetics from Pragmatism Today
  • Review  of Aesthetic Experience and Somaesthetics from the Journal of Somaesthetics
  • Review of Aesthetic Experience and Somaesthetics in The Journal of Aesthetic Education

Aesthetic Experience

2008, Routledge

Aesthetic Experience Cover
The Range of Pragmatisim

The Range of Pragmatism and the Limits of Philosophy

2004, Amazon

Bourdieu: A Critical Reader

1999, Wiley

Bourdieu: A Critical Reader
Analytic Aesthetics

Analytic Aesthetics

1989, Blackwell