Poomba: The Automated Dog Waste Cleaner

Poomba: The Automated Dog Waste Cleaner


The Poomba is a solution for automated dog waste cleanup. It is designed to clean dog waste with minimal effort for dog owners. Using animal pose recognition to identify a dog pose, the robot is alerted when a dog defecates within the home. Simultaneous location and mapping (SLAM) and heat seeking technology are used to help the robot navigate toward the mess. Gas and ultrasonic sensors allow the robot to confirm the presence of poop and proceed through the cleanup sequence. The robot uses a vacuum mechanism to dispose of the waste, and then sanitizes the floor as it navigates away from the area.

Community Benefit

The Poomba was designed to improve the lives of both dogs and their owners. Dog owners will be able to rest assured while leaving their dogs at home alone, and they will avoid the frustration of coming home to messes. The robot will also help mitigate the health hazards that dog waste poses.

Team Members


Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry