Institutional Review Board (IRB)

  • Visit the IRB website
  • FAU researchers who wish to use FAU’s IRB: See FAU's IRB for submission guidance. Document templates (protocol, consent form etc) are located within the submission portal IRBNet.
  • All researchers seeking oversight of FAU’s IRB must follow IRB policies.
  • FAU researchers collaborating on studies who wish to use a central, commercial IRB see Centralized commercial IRB central, commercial IRB.
  • Researchers seeking oversight of FAU’s IRB must follow the required Human subjects research training requirements.
  • Researchers collaborating on studies involving human subjects have multiple avenues to streamline collaboration, including SmartIRB, Individual Investigator and Institutional Authorization Agreements (IIA, IAA), and Collaborating Institution Agreement (CIA).
  • Projects funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) require a single IRB (sIRB) to serve as the IRB of record for multi site studies..
  • Researchers wishing additional assistance with the IRB submitting process see IRB submission training OR contact Research Integrity Human Protections Program to set up 1:1 IRB submission guidance.