An interactive sea level rise viewer designed to give South Floridians a better understanding of how sea level rise might impact their neighborhoods.
The online Smart Growth & Livability Calculator prototype is designed to help practitioners and researchers meet a variety of planning and design challenges related to corridors, station areas, and complete streets, climate...
The Smart Location Database is a nationwide geographic data resource for measuring location efficiency.
Social Explorer includes the entire US Census (1790 to 2010) and the American Community Survey (2005 to 2015).
The TOD readiness tool evaluates the degree to which an existing or potential transit station area is “ready” for TOD. provides in-depth statistical data and analysis for all of the US.
Surging Seas Mapping Choices is an interactive global online map that allows anyone to search for a global location and visually compare the local potential consequences of different emissions and warming scenarios.
Climate Central’s Surging Seas Risk Finder is a searchable web tool designed to provide citizens, communities and policymakers in the U.S. with the tailored local information they need to understand and respond to the risks...
Parkopedia allows drivers to find the closest parking to their destination, tells them how much it will cost and whether the space is available.