Curricular Opportunities

OURI offers support to faculty who are interested in integrating research into the curriculum and developing Course-based Undergraduate Research opportunities (CUREs) for students. The two primary programs to facilitate this include:

Research Intensive (RI) Course Designation: RI designated courses are ones in which undergraduate students actively engage in the process of research and inquiry at the intensive level through projects and assignments. These projects should count for a significant portion of the course grade.

Directed Independent Research (DIR) Course Designation: Directed Independent Research (DIR) courses serve as an alternative/addition to the existing DIS (Directed Independent Study) for undergraduate research documentation on student transcripts. Departments may also include a zero-credit option for DIR students, which would have no additional tuition charge.

UG Research Certificate: FAU now offers an Undergraduate Research Certificate, to recognize undergraduate students for systematic development of excellence in undergraduate research.