Past Lectures
2023: Alexander Keyssar, "The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States"
2022: Summer of Soul, 1969: A Retrospective, featuring a screening of the Academy Award Winning Film
"Summer of Soul" and Live Concert by FAU's Commercial Music Program and Music Faculty
2020: Andra Gillespie, "Race and Politics: The Crossroads of Modern American Political Culture"
2019: Remembering the 1960s and Woodstock, Narrated by Dr. Kelly Shannon and featuring Commerical Music Musicians and Singers | (View Photo Gallery)
2018: Lein-Hang T. Nguyen, "Toward a New History of the TET Offensive: Spies, Allies and Murder in Hanoi"
2017: William H. Chafe, "The Modern Presidency from Kennedy to Trump: Intersections of Politics and Personality"
2016: Ambassador Robert "Skipp" Orr "The Evolution of a U.S. Ambassador: Policy and Perspective in a Global Age"
2015: Allida M. Black: "Eleanor Roosevelt and the Battle for Human Rights: 1945 to the Present"
2014: Christopher R. Browning: "Hitler and the Decisions for the Final Solution"
2013: Jeffrey Morton: "The Role of Diplomacy in 20th Century American Foreign Policy"
2012: Lizabeth Cohen "Consuming Our Way to Recovery"
2011: Jacob Hamblin: "The Nuclear Promise: Global Consequences of an American Dream"
2010: Robert Goldberg: "Enemies Within: The Conspiracy Culture of Modern America
2009: Thomas W. Zeiler: "The Greatest Generation in A Good War?: A New Look at Wartime America
2008: Wilson D. Miscamble: "Harry S. Truman, The Bomb, and the Transformation of the U.S. Foreign Policy"
Watch on C-Span!
2007: Nancy F. Cott: "Revisiting the Jazz Age"
(Printed copies available by request.)
2006: Glenda Gilmore: "The Nazis and Dixie: African Americans, Jewish Americans, and Fascism, 1933-1939"
(Printed copies available by request.)
2005: David Goldfield: "Religion and Politics: An American Tradition"
(Printed copies available by request.)
2004: Timothy Naftali: "Blind Spot: Secret History of U.S. Counterterrorism"