Dear Reader: A Letter of Hope

by Anonymous | Thursday, Sep 14, 2023

Dear Reader,

If I can tell you anything, it is that things do get better. I am young, but there have been so many days when I wanted everything to be over. Maybe you’ve been or are in the same boat right now as you’re reading this. But things do get better. I got better. I don’t mean I "got better” getting the next highest dose of Zoloft, or even just “chilling out.” It took a lot. My castles started crumbling in the 7 th grade. I saw no way around it and did not know what to do. All I wanted to do was make things end a little faster. 

How did I get better? I picked up a book. I started with The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, but eventually, it led to The Great Gatsby, The Notebook, and Pet Sematary . I found something I loved, and that distracted me with the overwhelming feeling that I did not feel towards anything else. I felt like I did not belong until I traveled to whatever mystery world an author would take me to, and it was in those moments that I fell in love with life. 

My advice to you is to pick up a book. There is one for everyone. If books are not your thing, go kick a soccer ball to take your anger at the world out on something tangible and replaceable. Find a new nature trail and bring a camera with you so you can enjoy the memories even when you are not walking through the woods with a random rock in your shoe.

Just remember, things do get better. You will find your crowd. You will find love. I love you. You are strong, you are brave, you are intelligent, and you are important.




Are you or someone you know feeling suicidal? Help is available!

  • If it is a safety emergency, call 911 (FAU and local police will be alerted to assist).
  • For a range of FAU, community, and online resources, FAU Thrive provides a central hub including help & support listings, discounted community mental health providers, and student blogs:


FAU CAPS Crisis Line:  561-297-3540 (24 hours)

Text Crisis Line: Text HOME to 741741 (24 hours)

Trevor Project: 866-488-7386 (24 hours)