Support Next Generation Scientists

The Florida Atlantic University (FAU) School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability (ECOS) is a partnership between the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science and Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI). This multidisciplinary and multi-unit initiative serves as the driver for diverse academic and research entities to create a comprehensive environmental hub at FAU. ECOS leverages each group's outside partners, including many government agencies and educational institutions, combining the full breadth of partnerships with the University’s teaching, research and outreach mission to enhance opportunities and bring forth the collective environmental capabilities of FAU.   

ECOS serves as an umbrella for numerous academic offerings in departments and interdisciplinary program areas that provide advanced bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and certificate programs.  

Become an Affiliate Member

The FAU School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability (ECOS) invites faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students from any organizational unit within FAU to become affiliate member of the School. 

Members will be added to the ECOS Canvas site to view upcoming conferences, community engagement opportunities, funding opportunities, jobs for new grads, and more. 

call for Nominations: ecos Research Award  

The School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability is pleased to announce the ECOS Research Award(s), recognizing the most influential published manuscript on emerging topics related to ECOS. This award aims to acknowledge exceptional contributions to the field and encourage impactful research within our community. The award includes a $500 honorarium. The deadline to apply is March 13, 2024.


porter lab

Our vision is to become a leading nexus of environmental education, research, and community engagement, across public, private, and non-profit sectors to create a resilient future that prepares and lessens anthropogenic impacts on South Florida ecosystems and human communities while serving as a model for other regions across the state, region, and globe.   


Located in a region at the forefront of challenges that much of the world is facing due to the intersection of the natural environment with a rapidly growing urban population. Six FAU campuses in South Florida span a region where growing urban areas impact the natural world, from the accelerating risks of climate change (e.g., rising temperatures, coastal erosion, more frequent and intense storms and floods) to habitat destruction, environmental contamination, and harmful algal blooms. With its robust programs in environmental research, education, and community engagement, FAU and ECOS have the opportunity to provide leadership and guidance to enhance the resilience of South Florida's ecological systems and human population. 

Our faculty and scientists are widely published and funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the United States Geological Survey, the South Florida Water Management District, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Florida Department of Transportation, and a range of other public and private sources. 

View the partners of ECOS.


NSF News Features Thresher Shark Research from FAU
NSF News Features Thresher Shark Research from FAU
National Science Foundation (NSF) News featured associate professor Marianne Porter's research on the thresher shark, which is known for its long tail that whips prey. Using micro-CT scanning, Porter and team imaged the internal...
FAU Experts Predict a Highly Active 2024 Hurricane Season
FAU Experts Predict a Highly Active 2024 Hurricane Season
This year, U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coast residents are bracing for what could be an unprecedented 2024 Atlantic hurricane season. While June 1 marked the official start of hurricane season, the date also ushered in the very...
Jenna Lutes Receives $10,000 Scholarship from The Land Conservancy of New Jersey
Jenna Lutes Receives $10,000 Scholarship from The Land Conservancy of New Jersey
The funding will support Jenna’s research that focuses on conducting annual breeding wading bird monitoring on Lake Okeechobee and studying wading bird prey in the wetlands that surround the lake.
FAU Sea Turtle Experts Provide ‘Best Practices’ During Nesting Season
FAU Sea Turtle Experts Provide ‘Best Practices’ During Nesting Season
Three internationally renowned Florida Atlantic University researchers provide “best practices” and answer some of the most frequently asked questions to help protect Florida’s nesting sea turtles and their hatchlings.


Educational Programs  coastal studies surveying

Partnerships  hboi boat


Supporting the Next Generation of Environmental Problem Solvers  

  • Undergraduate scholarships, paid research opportunities, and internships
  • Graduate research assistantships
  • Postdoctoral program

Programmatic Support

  • Expand academic programming and related initiatives
  • Support student travel and conference participation
  • Support The Invading Sea to inform the public about climate change issues 

ECOS Research Fund 

  • Seed funding to support new research initiatives and collaborations
  • Support outreach, community engagement and citizen science 

ECOS Endowed Chair 

  • Attract a premier researcher to lead ECOS initiatives 

Give to ECOS

Contact Schmidt College of Science Director of Development, Todd Clark at or 561.297.2689.


Questions? Please contact Interim Director of the School for Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability and Professor, John Baldwin, Ph.D., at


John BaldwinJohn Baldwin, Ph.D.
Interim Director, School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability
Associate Dean for Faculty Development



michael mccoy ecosMichael McCoy, Ph.D.
Associate Director, School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability
Associate Professor of Quantitative Ecology with a dual appointment in the Department of Biology and Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute




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