ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, DANIEL BOLOJAN WILL DELIVER A LECTURE AT NYU Shanghai | Synthetic Cities: A Symposium on Human-Machine Creativity

Thursday, Sep 07, 2023

Synthetic Cities: A Symposium on Human-Machine Creativity" is scheduled to take place on September 9th, 2023, at New York University (NYU Shanghai). The symposium will bring together a diverse array of participants, including artists, scholars, writers, and architects. The primary focus of the event will be to engage in comprehensive discussions concerning the collaborative dynamics between human imagination and computational intelligence. A central theme will revolve around how these two forces synergize to jointly create and contribute to the realms of creativity and originality. The symposium's itinerary includes presentations from four distinguished speakers, who will share their pioneering research and insights. In addition to this, a designated panel chair will moderate a conversation for an in-depth discussion on human and machine creativity, generative AI systems, agency and autonomy, ethical considerations, and the transcendence of human capacity. The symposium functions as an event part of Stavros Didakis’ exhibition "Synthetic Cities,” which is currently displayed at the Riverside Project Space at Tank Shanghai, West Bund.
