Dr. Shermeen Yousif Presented Her AI Research at the I.SD Lecture Series, Innsbruck.

Monday, Aug 15, 2022
Dr. Shermeen Yousif Presented Her AI Research at the I.SD Lecture Series, Innsbruck.

Assistant professor Dr. Shermeen Yousif presented on her research at the lecture series of the Institute of Structure and Design, University of Innsbruck. Her lecture, titled: “Towards Interconnectivity of AI Models for Creative Architectural Exploration” addresses potentials and challenges of the integration of deep learning methods in defining a new design process.

The lecture series, “Machine Learning in Architecture”, is part of the architectural master students’ curriculum at the Institute of Structure and Design, where a distinct international group of outstanding academics and experts in the field of machine learning in architecture presented their work.

Dr. Shermeen Yousif