Prof. Wendy Hinshaw delivers a webinar, "Developing a Growth Mindset to Build Confidence in Composition"

FAU's Director of Writing Programs, Professor Wendy Hinshaw, delivered a webinar titled "Developing a Growth Mindset to Build Confidence in Composition" hosted by Bedford St. Martin's / Macmillan Learning.

In the webinar, Prof. Hinshaw reveals the secrets to a successful composition course journey. She discusses effective strategies to help students thrive, with easy-to-implement features and additions that significantly impact student learning.

Macmillan Learning's summary of the webinar:

Join Dr. Wendy Hinshaw as she discusses strategies for helping students succeed in their composition courses. This webinar is designed for anyone new to Achieve, and will introduce instructors to easy features and small additions they can make to their courses that can make a big impact on student learning. Goal-setting and reflection surveys guide students in developing a growth mindset in composition, enabling them to set learning and achievement goals, chart their progress, and reflect on what’s helping them and what’s standing in their way. This process also helps build students’ confidence about what they know as well as their agency in their own learning.

You can watch Prof. Hinshaw's full webinar at Macmillan Learning.