Prof. Eric Berlatsky Reviews Authorizing Superhero Comics in International Journal of Comic Art Blog

Congratulations to Prof. Eric Berlatsky, Professor of English and Associate Dean of Many Things*, who has published a new book review of Daniel Stein's Authorizing Superhero Comics: On the Evolution of a Popular Serial Genre in International Journal of Comic Art Blog (December 2, 2021).

*According to Prof. Oliver Buckton, English Department Chair

Daniel Stein’s new book, Authorizing Superhero Comics operates in a context known, in literary circles, as the “history of the book” approach. Stein’s overarching claim is that superhero comics are not “authored” in a conventional sense simply by creative human beings, but rather such creators (writers, artists, editors, etc.) collaborate with a variety of other elements, organic and non-, in order to fashion the genre and (perhaps more often) to be fashioned by it. Such elements include readers/fans, the material circumstances of production, the physical objects themselves (comic books, graphic novels, digital comics), fanzines, parodies, “musealizing” texts, other media, adaptations, and more. [ . . . ]

Read more of Berlatsky's review at the International Journal of Comic Art.