MFA Alum Joseph Precanico's Essay in Salamander Magazine; Reading 7/20 @ 6pm

Salamander Reading

Congratulations to MFA Creative Writing alum Joseph Precanico (as Joseph Dante) on publication of his lyric essay, "If Men Had Wings," in Salamander Magazine, Issue 56.

An excerpt:

If men had wings, we would hear nothing but their beating. Some would learn how to tune out the takeoffs, while others would start their day by donning a pair of oversized headphones.
f I had wings, I’d learn how to fold them behind me like origami, try to hide them like a vice or a stain. Whenever I wanted a moment alone, I’d hover, retreat soundlessly into other room.   [ . . . ]

Precano will read from his work as part of Salamander's virtual reading event on Thursday, July 20th at 6pm (EST). The event is free and open to the publication, and registration is required.

Salamander Cover Issue 56