Thrive Thursdays

February 2022

February 25, 2022
At the FAU Honors College, stress can be seen on most students' faces. It can be difficult to find moments of peace when struggling to balance a rigorous academic schedule with a social schedule. One way to help alleviate...
February 17, 2022
Fear and anxiety can be crippling, but don't be fooled. The monster under the bed only has as much power as you give it.
February 10, 2022
Eating disorders are so prevalent and normalized within the dance community–a community of perfectionistic and competitive individuals–that no one bats an eye when they suspect someone is suffering. Society thinks dancers...
February 03, 2022
Endless papers, exams, lectures, and studying. Does this sound like your average college student’s life? You might be saying to yourself “it sure does sound like my life as a student”. I would have to say I agree with...


Interested in writing for Thrive Thursday? Send an email to with your idea. We look forward to hearing from you!