Polo Reef Science Internship
This is a 12-week internship opportunity on-site at the Polo Reef Company in New York. The internship is available for Florida Atlantic University students in the Spring 2023 and Summer 2023 semesters. A diving certificate is preferred for internship applicants. The intern should reside within driving distance of the Polo Reef Company for the duration of the internship.
It is expected that during the 12 weeks each intern spend 6-8 hours three times per week on-site at the Polo Reef Company; for example, 6-8 hours each day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for a minimum of 20 hours per week.
Register for the Course
IDS 3941: Science Internship, 1 to 3 credits
Contact to Register for Course
Demarus Youngblood:
Executive Director of Advising, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Polo Reef Internship Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
At the completion of the internship at Polo Reef the intern will be able to demonstrate independent ability to accomplish the following:
- Identify and take care of a variety of coral species, and rehabilitate species back to full health when needed
- Effectively clean and maintain a tank/aquarium
- Evaluate and provide for the nutritional needs of fish species and coral in an aquarium environment (aquarium ecosystem)
- Evaluate and adjust the illumination and temperature requirements for an aquarium ecosystem
- Conduct a chemical analysis of aquarium waters and adjust the chemical quantities in the tank to ensure appropriate buffering and optimal fish and coral health, and growth
- Dive in a 17,000-gallon tank
- Work effectively as part of a team
- Effectively and proactively problem solve
- Effectively communicate and give presentation related to the care of aquarium ecosystem
- Effectively record activities pertaining to the details of the care of aquarium ecosystems in a scientific notebook
Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
During the 12-week internship student will complete four brief quizzes (one quiz every three weeks) and a final exam.
Quiz and Exam Topics
- Importance of “dipping” corals to eliminate parasites
- Identifying coral parasites and the importance of their elimination
- Importance of lighting intensity and wavelength, and temperature in fish tanks
- Understanding terms such as: PAR, PFF, PPFD, lux and lumens, etc. Note: PAR = Photosynthetically Active Radiation; PFF = Photosynthetic Photon Flux; PFFD = Photosynthetic Photon Flex Density; lux = measure of how much light falls on a surface; lumens = how much light is emitted from a light source (click here for definitions)
- Understanding and controlling flow water chemistry including analysis for: alkalinity, and quantifying nitrate, phosphate, calcium ion content, etc.
- Importance of quarantine for both fish and corals
- Dos and don’ts of tank diving
- Understanding of the similarities and differences between the aquarium ecosystem and natural ocean habitat for the coral and fish
Polo Reef Company Mission
The Polo Reef Company’s goal is to investigate mechanisms and develop best practices for coral reef and rare fish preservation and re-generation. The company founder, Mr. Andrew Sandler, is a philanthropist with a desire to give back in a meaningful way and re-invest Polo Reef company profits in research and education endeavors focused on advancing knowledge with respect to coral reef and rare fish preservation. As ocean environments around the world become more acidic and the health and survival of coral reefs is increasingly threatened, the efforts undertaken by hobbyist aquarium tank owners such as Mr. Sandler become ever more important in the preservation of vast numbers of coral and rare fish species. The ultimate outcome of this important work could be the eventual repopulation of natural oceanic habitats with a diversity of coral and fish.