Department of Medicine

Message from the Chair

Welcome to the Department of Medicine. We are a dynamic group of internists, family medicine physicians, and subspecialists committed to education, patient care, and research. We aim to provide outstanding medical education and training of our students, residents, and fellows so they, too, become humanistic physicians for patients in our South Florida community and beyond. We pledge to provide thoughtful, evidence-based, and patient-centered care to the patients who trust us with their health. Furthermore, we work with our colleagues across the College of Medicine to expand clinical and translational research with a goal of further advancing the field of Medicine.

Our faculty bring a wealth of experience and passion to everything they do, and we are eager to share this passion with our trainees and our patients. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have continued to provide an outstanding education to our trainees, while working on the front lines to care for our patients. Our faculty are innovative, winning teaching awards and grants that demonstrate our dedication to our learners and community. The impact of our undergraduate medical educational programs is evidenced by top-notch placements in the residency Match each year. Our Graduate Medical Education (GME) program includes an internal medicine residency as well as fellowships in cardiovascular disease, geriatric medicine, and hospice and palliative medicine. These trainees earn excellent fellowship and job placements as a result of their broad-based and well-rounded experiences with our GME consortium partner hospitals.

As Chair, I pledge to support, collaborate, communicate openly, and respect everyone. I'm excited to lead this incredible Department, and I hope you'll be inspired by everything we are doing.


The Department of Medicine's vision is to advance the health and well-being of our community by training future generations of humanistic clinicians and scientists and translating discovery to patient-centered care.


The mission of the Department of Medicine at the Schmidt College of Medicine is to:

Provide our trainees with the depth and breadth of medical knowledge and clinical skills to practice high-quality, patient-centered medicine and its specialties

Deliver high-quality, evidence-based and humanistic care to our patients through our FAU Medicine clinical practice

Add to the knowledge of medicine through clinical research and innovative teaching methodologies

Always pursue this Mission with humanism and a focus on the healthcare of our South Florida community

Headshot of Allison H. Ferris, M.D. Allison H. Ferris, M.D.
Chair, Department of Medicine
Associate Professor of Medicine
Program Director of Internal Medicine Residency

Additional Information
The Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine offers students a variety of educational programs and degrees.
Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road, BC-71
Boca Raton, FL 33431