Intellectual Foundations Program (IFP) Approval Procedures

The Core Curriculum Committee (CCC), a subcommittee of University Undergraduate Programs Committee (UUPC), oversees the development, implementation, and assessment of the Intellectual Foundations Program which was revised in summer 2015. The CCC includes three representatives from the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, two representatives from the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and one representative from each of the other colleges offering undergraduate degrees. The Dean of Undergraduate Studies and the Director of Assessment of Undergraduate Studies co-chair the CCC and are non-voting members.

The CCC reviews and approves courses for inclusion in the Intellectual Foundations Program. Those interested in proposing a new or existing course for inclusion should submit the following documents:

1. IFP Course Approval Form
Determine the appropriate IFP category for your course and complete the corresponding IFP Course Approval Form linked below.  There is a separate form for each foundation. Your course must meet the learning outcomes specified for the chosen foundation area.  

Foundations of Written Communication (6 credit hours)

Foundations of Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning (6 credit hours)

Foundations of Science and the Natural World (6 credit hours; two courses, one with a lab, from two different departments)

Foundations of Society and Human Behavior (6 credit hours; two courses from two different departments)

Foundations in Global Citizenship (6 credit hours; two courses from two different departments)

Foundations of Humanities (6 credit hours; two courses from two different departments)

Sample Course Submission

We ask that you be as thorough as possible in addressing the learning outcomes associated with the chosen category (Please do not respond “refer to syllabus” to any of the questions). During our next SACS review, we will be asked to demonstrate where, how, and to what extent FAU is meeting the outcomes of its IFP. So, please be sure to identify specific course activities, assignments, assessments, etc. that specifically address the learning outcome listed.

If a course has multiple sections, we ask that departments maintain consistency of content and outcomes, such as ensuring a common syllabus.

2. Copy of Syllabus
The syllabus must identify the course as an IFP course, specify the foundation area, and contain the foundation learning outcomes.

3. Course Change or Terminate Request or New Course Proposal
Approval of courses for inclusion in the IFP is contingent on receiving the approvals of your department, college undergraduate program committee, and college dean. If an existing course, please complete the Course Change Request and submit with a copy of the IFP Course Approval Form to your department chair. If a new course, please complete the New Course Proposal and submit with a copy of the IFP Course Approval Form to your department chair. Approved requests will then go to your college’s undergraduate program committee, then to CCC, before moving on to the UUPC and UFS.

Once completed, please submit the materials listed above via email to Anthony Ambrosio at Submissions must be made at least 10 days prior to the Core Curriculum Committee meeting so that revisions can be made (if necessary) and to ensure timely distribution to the committee. The committee meets the second Friday of each month at 9am. A representative should attend the meeting to present the course.

If you have any questions about the process or if you would like to discuss your course proposal further, please contact Anthony Ambrosio, Director of Assessment for Undergraduate Studies, at or 561-297-4560.