MINI-TEMS AND INTERSESSION: Registrar Frequently Asked Questions

What is a mini-term?
Mini-terms are periods of enrollment that are shorter than the standard 16-week semester. In the Fall and Spring semesters, there are two 8-week and three 5-week mini-terms. In the Summer semester, there are two 6-week mini-terms and the standard 12-week full semester. Mini-terms run concurrently with the regular semester-long courses
What is an intersession?
The University also offers classes during "intersession" periods. These run for either 3 weeks between the Fall and Spring semesters or for 1 week between the Spring and Summer semesters. These sessions are not independent enrollment periods but are tied to a regular semester. The intersession period between Fall and Spring is tied to the Spring semester and the intersession period between Spring and Summer is tied to the Summer semester. As such, your enrollment in an intersession course counts towards your total enrollment for the semester to which it is tied.
Are courses taught in a mini-term different than those taught in a full semester?
No. The same course content is covered during a mini-term as a full semester. As such, you need to be prepared to cover all course materials in a shorter time frame.
How do I know which courses are being taught in mini-terms?
In the Searchable Schedule, use the "Part of Term" searchable field and select the mini-terms that you are interested in attending.
When should I register for courses?
You can register for mini-terms, intersession, and regular semester courses as soon as a particular semester. Courses that are taught in the second half-term and third 5-week mini-term will allow registration past the initial drop/add period for the semester. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for more information on exact registration deadlines. REMEMBER - register early to ensure that you are not locked out of courses!
Is there an enrollment limit on the number of mini-term classes for which I can register each semester?
There is no limit on the number of mini-term classes you can take each semester. However, there is a limit on the total credit hours for which you can enroll in a semester. For example, undergraduate students are generally limited to a maximum of 18 credit hours per semester. The credit hours for each mini-term, intersession, and regular semester class are added together for that specific semester and cannot exceed the total maximum credit hours for which you can enroll. If you have further questions on maximum enrollment for the semester, please connect with your academic advisor.
Do mini-terms have reading days and a final exam schedule?
Unlike the regular 16-week semester, there are no formal reading day and final exam periods for mini-terms. Generally, there are no reading days associated with mini-term courses and the final exam is typically given during the last class meeting. You should speak to the course instructor to confirm these items.
How soon can I get my course grade after the mini-term has ended?
Final grades are due the Monday following the end of the mini-term. As such, your final grades should be posted to your academic record the Tuesday following the end of the mini-term. You will be able to see your grades posted on your unofficial transcript. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for more information on the mini-term dates.
Will I be able to graduate after a mini-term has finished?
All academic standing updates, including degree conferral, are tied to the full semester. As such, if you complete your degree requirements before the end of the regular semester, your degree will not be conferred until the end of the semester.