University Police

If you are Victimized

Victim Services 561-297-0500

If you chose to report to the police, a victim advocate is available to accompany you to the correct law enforcement agency, regardless of where the crime occurred.

Types of Victimization:

Sexual Violence can be any forced, coerced or unwanted sexual activity that may occur between friends, dates, family members, acquaintances, study partners or strangers. This includes Rape, Date Rape, Acquaintance Rape, Sexual Assault, Attempted Sexual Assault and other sex crimes. If you do not know whether a crime has occurred, contact the victim advocate to discuss the situation, even if you chose not to report to the police you might need referral to campus or area service agencies. Because of Florida Mandatory Reporting laws, the victim advocate is required to report sex crimes against children; other crimes can be discussed with an advocate confidentially.

Sexual Harassment is sexual conduct or behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or educational environment. Reports of sexual harassment are required to be reported to the department of Equal Opportunity Programs by all FAU employees. If you wish information, you may contact EEO at 561.297.xxxx or call the victim advocate. General questions and anonymous questions can be answered by the victim advocate but FAU policy requires the advocate to inform EEO about any complaints with named individuals. If you chose to report to EEO, the advocate can accompany you and provide support and assistance during the process.

Sexual Nuisances such as indecent exposure, obscene phone calls and/or voyeurism can be frightening. If you chose to contact the advocate, you will be given information concerning safety planning, reactions to victimization and options for response.

Dating/Relationship/Domestic Violence:Abuse (physical, emotional, verbal, financial or sexual) in any form can be devastating to the victim. The abuser can be a family member, intimate partner, boy/girl friend or even a close friend. >Research indicates that abuse escalates and that it is highly unlikely that the abuse will end of its own accord. There are many reasons that victims’ stay with an abuser and statistics illustrate that the most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when the victim attempts to leave. An advocate can assist you with safety planning, injunctions and shelter information as well as providing you with support to leave and checking your eligibility for domestic violence relocation funding from the State of Florida.

Stalking and Cyberstalking: The willful, malicious and repeated following or harassing of another person can be considered stalking. This may include telephone calls, letters, sending flowers, emails, instant messages, posting messages on Myspace, Facebook or other electronic bulletin boards and other acts that serve no useful purpose. Stalking can be by a person known or unknown to you. An advocate can assist you with Internet safety, safety planning, injunctions and reporting options.

Assault and Battery: Disagreement can result in assault, battery or threats. Violence can occur without provocation, without warning and in the most mundane of circumstances. An assault and/or battery can be a touch, slap, punch with or without a weapon. A threat can be considered an assault. Being the victim of any unwanted touching, threats or violence can be traumatic. If you are in danger, call 911. If you chose to delay report or want information about reporting, you can contact an advocate for more information about your rights.

Hate Crimes: Any crime committed bases upon a person’s ethnicity, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs and/ or gender can be considered a hate crime. Victimization based on the very basis of who you are is frightening and can affect your world view. If you are in danger, call 911. If you chose to delay report or want information about reporting, you can contact an advocate for more information about your rights.