University Police

Sexual Harassment

Victim Services 561-297-0500

Sexual Harassment an be defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment.

Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individuals, or

Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Verbal harassment may include, but is not limited to:

Sexual innuendos, comments, and sexual remarks about clothing, body, or sexual activities

Whistling in a suggestive manner

Humor and jokes about sex: that denigrate women or men in general

Sexual propositions, invitations, or other pressure for sex

Physical harassment may include but is not limited to:

Patting, pinching, and other inappropriate touching or feeling

Making obscene gestures

Brushing against the body

Attempted or actual kissing or fondling

Coerced sexual intercourse

Sexual harassment is harmful to the victim and the institution.

Sexual Harassment affects victims in many ways, often not noticeable to others.

Some common effects are:

Victims feel powerless to stop the situation. They often fear retaliation, for example with grades, recommendations or a negative impact on their job. They fear that their complaints will not be taken seriously, or that they will be perceived as causing trouble.

Victims often blame themselves, and fear that others will also blame them, even though it is the harassing person's authority or influence that has been misused.

If harassment occurs at school, victims often change academic plans. They drop courses, change majors, drop out of school, change residence, avoid advisors, or neglect academic commitments or responsibilities to avoid an offending person.

Victims often have physical symptoms of stress, such as stomach problems or headaches. They can also become depressed, moody, or irritable without knowing why.

Victims often suffer lower self-esteem, self-respect and self-confidence.

Victims are often confused about what is happening or what could be done about it.

There are many ways to deal with sexual harassment. Ignoring it doesn't stop it.

Don't just hope it will stop. By taking action and seeking advice and support to resolve the issue, formal proceedings can often be avoided.

Allow yourself to get angry. Use the energy of your anger to help you focus and take action.

Tell someone. Discuss the behavior with a friend, professor, counselor, human resources personnel or a victim advocate You may find that you are not alone in your experience, and you can get help in planning an appropriate way to deal with it.

Let the harasser know. Be clear and direct in addressing unwanted or offensive behavior. Sometimes the harasser does not know the effects of the behavior on others. It often helps to write a letter to do this. Be clear that you want the behavior to stop.

Keep a record. Make notes of specific behaviors and comments, times and dates, your responses, and any witnesses.

Reports of sexual harassment are required to be reported to the department of Equal Opportunity Programs by  all FAU employees. If you wish information, you may contact EEO at 561.297.3004 or call the victim advocate at 561.297.0500. General questions and anonymous questions can be answered by the victim advocate but FAU policy requires all FAU employees to inform EEO about any complaints with  named individuals. If you chose to report to EEO, the advocate can accompany you and provide support and assistance during the process.