School Leaders Program


Ph.D. Faculty

Maysaa Barakat, Ph.D.

Maysaa Barakat, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Educational Leadership
Coordinator, FAU Egypt Partnership
Past-President, Florida Association of Professors of Educational Leadership (FAPEL)
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology

Ira Bogotch, Ed.D.

Ira Bogotch, Ed.D.
Professor, Educational Leadership
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology

Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D.

Patricia Maslin-Ostrowski, Ed.D.
Professor, Educational Leadership
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology

Meredith Mountford, Ph.D.

Meredith Mountford, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Educational Leadership
Director, UCEA Joint Center on Research on the Superintendency and District Governance
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology

Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D.

Daniel Reyes-Guerra, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Coordinator, School Leaders Program
Program Director; PROPEL, ELITE, ExEq, and IDEAL
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology

Robert Shockley, Ph.D.

Robert Shockley, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor, Educational Leadership
Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology