Faculty Directory (Alphabetical)

To reach Jupiter campus numbers (prefixed by a '6') from off campus, dial (561) 799 ****; for Boca Raton campus numbers (prefixed by a '7') dial (561) 297 ****.

Florida Atlantic Wilkes Honors College Organizational Chart - Click here

Name Title Ext. Office
Bernot, Kelsie Instructor of Biology 6-8044 SR 231
Cañete Quesada, Carmen Professor of Spanish 561-354-9307 HC 105
Carvelli, Lucia Associate Professor of Neuroscience (Joint appt. w/ Brain Inst.) 6-8115 RF 104
Chandrasekhar, Chitra Sr. Instructor of Chemistry 561-331-4852 HC 147
Chaves Fonnegra, Andia Associate Professor of Biology (Joint appt. with HBOI) 6-2251 SR 234/ HBOI, 137
Corr, Rachel Professor of Anthropology 6-8018 HC 102
de Lill, Daniel Instructor of Chemistry 6-8584 HC 144
Dragojlovic, Veljko Professor of Chemistry 6-8012 RF 212
Duboué, Erik Associate Professor of Biology (Member of JLSI) 6-8054 RE 205
Earles, Julie

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs;

Professor of Psychology

561 799-8673 HC 133
Ely, Christopher Professor of History 561-352-8619 SR 202
Ferrara, Zachary Instructor of Economics 561-316-8563 HA 115
Fewkes, Jacqueline Professor of Anthropology 561- 320-7906 SR 219
Fily, Yaouen Associate Professor of Physics 561-299-0879 HC 151
Harrawood, Michael Associate Professor of English 6-8617 SR 254
Hedetniemi, Jason Instructor of Mathematics 6-8649 SR 211
Hill, Terje Professor of Mathematics 717-739-9228 SR 207
Jakee, Keith Professor of Economics 561-336-1284 HA 112
Kennedy, Ashley Graham Associate Professor of Philosophy 434-262-2605 HA 122
Lanning, Kevin Professor of Psychology and Data Science 561-594-1018 WB 213
Lemeh, Dorotha Associate Professor of Visual Art 6-8019 HA 106
Luria, Rachel

Associate Dean of Student Affairs;

Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition

6-8381 HC 106
Malanowski Sarah Post-Doctorate of Philosophy 6-8715 HA 125
McGovern, Warren Professor of Mathematics 561-331-2128 HC 101
Mincer, Tracy Associate Professor of Biology/Biogeochemistry  6-2429 RF 105
Moore, Jon Professor of Biology 6-8025 HC 175
Njambi, Wairimũ Associate Professor of Women’s Studies and Sociology 6-8016 SR 204
Nur-tegin, Kanybek Associate Professor of Economics 614-259-4799 HA 123
O’Brien, William

Chair - Math and Science;

Professor of Environmental Studies

6-8033 SR 206
Perry, Justin Dean and Professor 6-8579 HC 134
Pirog, Michal Instructor of Physics 6-8823 SR 256
Rowell, Shaina Instructor of Psychology 6-8187 SR 203
Ruest, Annina Associate Professor of Art 561-320 7853 HA 121
Schering, Jeffrey Assistant Director of Life & Health Sciences, Student Advising and Success 561-799-8647  
Smith, Eugene Professor of Chemistry 561-320-7928 HC 149
Spencer, Casey Postdoc - Neuroscience 6-8042 SR 247
Steigenga, Timothy

Professor of Political Science

6-8610 HC 112
Strain, Christopher

Professor of American Studies

6-8017 HC 103
Tille-Victorica, Nancy Senior Instructor of French and Spanish 561-288-0350 HA 113
Toepfer, Conrad Instructor of Biology 561-320-7066 SR 217
Trivigno, Catherine Instructor of Biology 6-8102 HC 108
Tunick, Mark Professor of Political Science  6-8670 HC 104
Vázquez, Miguel

Chair - Humanities/Soc. Sci.;

Associate Professor of Spanish

6-8654 SR 205
Vernon, Laura Professor of Psychology 6-8411 HA 114
Washington, Sondra Assistant Professor of American Literature 6-8818 SR 230
Wetterer, Jim Professor of Biology 772-287-7605 HC 162


Affiliate Faculty

Name Title Ext. Office
Adam, Molly Affiliate Instructor of Science Education 6-8227 HM105
Anzures, Gizelle Affiliate Assistant Professor of Psychology 7-3368 BS 206 (Boca)
Bjorklund, Barbara Affiliate Asst Professor - Psychology N/A N/A
Buck, Lawrence Affiliate Instructor - Law N/A N/A
Capp, James Affiliate Instructor of Public Policy 7-3061 AD 322 (Boca)
Cassanetti, Nicole Affiliate Instructor of English 7-2973 CU 306 (Boca)
Cinalli, David Affiliate Postdoctoral Fellow of Experimental Psychology 6-8067 RF 111
Costa, Paul Affiliate Professor of Psychology N/A N/A
Cudic, Predrag Affiliate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry 6-8575 RF 208
Dawson-Scully, Kenneth Affiliate Associate Professor of Biology 6-8051 RE 103
Dennett, Susan Affiliate Instructor of Business Management & Leadership 6-8135 EC 202
Deterding, Michelle Affiliate Instructor of Nursing N/A N/A
Farmer, Victoria Affiliate Assistant Professor of Political Sciences N/A N/A
Feuer, Leonard Affiliate Instructor - Law N/A N/A
Fields, Gregg Affiliate Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry 6-8577 RF 211
Godenschwege, Tanja Affiliate Associate Professor of Biology 6-8055 RE 209
Gografe, Sylvia Affiliate Research Scholar of Biomedical Science 7-4233 BC 226 (Boca)
Hahn, Maureen Affiliate Research Associate Professor of Biomedical Science 6-8491 N/A
Harris, Rachel Affiliate Instructor of Environmental Studies N/A N/A
Jia, Kailiang Affiliate Assistant Professor of Biology 6-8054 RE 205
Jones, Nancy Affiliate Professor of Psychology 6-8632 WB 215
Kersten, Alan Affiliate Associate Professor of Psychology N/A WB 221
Khan, Abdul Nasir Affiliate Research Scholar of Communications N/A N/A
Krill, Jennifer Affiliate Assistant Professor of Science Education 6-8500 EC 202
Kundalkar, Rajiv Affiliate Assistant Professor of Phsyics N/A N/A
McCoy, Krista Affiliate Associate Research Professor of Biology 772-242-2253 HBOI
Meredith, Tricia Affiliate Instructor of Science Education 7-4486 HS 115 (Boca)
Merritt, Jordan Affiliate Instructor of Neuroscience 6-8815 EC 202N
Onwuha-Ekpete, Lillian Affiliate Professor of Biology


RF 104
Page-Karjian, Annie Affiliate Asst. Research Professor of Biology N/A N/A
Pena, Rodrigo Affiliate Professor of Biological Sciences RE 109 6-8514
Perrault, Justin Affiliate Asst. Research Professor of Biology N/A N/A
Persichetti, Edoardo Affiliate Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences 7-3340 N/A
Pirog, Aleksandra Affiliate Instructor of Physics & Mathematics N/A N/A
Richardson, Susan Affiliate Research Assistant Professor of Biology N/A N/A
Schneider, Susan Affiliate Professor of Philosophy 7-3878 N/A
Schumacher, Joseph Affiliate Instructor of Neuroscience N/A N/A
Stackman, Robert Affiliate Associate Professor of Psychology 6-8052 RE 110
Stamper, Ericca Affiliate Instructor of Biology N/A N/A
Stanhope, Bethany Affiliate Instructor of Biological Sciences 6-8068 RE 214A
Yildirim, Ilyas Affiliate Professor of Chemistry 6-8325 RF 228
Young, Erica Affiliate Research Scientist - Psych & Neuroscience N/A N/A


Adjunct Faculty for 2023-2024


Name (Click to E-Mail) Office Discipline Office Hours Semester
Adams, Craig SR 216 Math


Spring 2024
Averill, Lindsey SR 216 College Writing 1

Tuesday, Thursday: 8:30am-9:30am 12:20pm-1:20pm

Spring 2024
Bedell, Bryson SR 251 Social Sciences N/A Spring 2024
Buckman, Blair SR 251 Psychology N/A Spring 2024
Capp, James N/A Social Science N/A Spring 2024
Cassanetti, Nicole SR 216 Creative Writing Tuesday, Thursday: 2:15pm-3:15pm Spring 2024
Cinalli, David MC17, Rm. 102 Psychology Virtual, By Appointment Spring 2024

Erdogan, Abdullah

SR 242 Statistics

Tuesday, Thursday 3:00-3:30pm (SR 242)

Monday, Wednesday: 10:30am-12:30pm (SR 251)

Spring 2024
Farmer, Victoria SR 251 American Foreign Policy Monday, Wednesday: 1:50pm-2:50pm Spring 2024
Hopkins, Christopher SR 251 Social Science N/A Spring 2024
Iglesias, Adam SR 242 Psychology N/A Spring 2024
Kurdziel, Paula SR 251 Natural Sciences N/A Spring 2024
Lardieri, Vincent SR 216 Humanities Tuesdays: 12:00pm-2:00pm Spring 2024
Nemeth, Daniel HC 165 Natural Sciences N/A Spring 2024
Pandey, Surya SR 251 Psychology N/A Spring 2024
Peña, Juan Antonio SR 251 History and Appriecation of Music Tuesday, Thursday: 12:30pm-3:30pm Spring 2024
Pirog, Aleksandra AD 102 Physics Lab By Appointment Spring 2024


Administration & Staff

Dean Dr. Justin Perry
Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Dr. Julie Earles
Associate Dean of Student Affairs Prof. Rachel Luria
Mailing Address: Wilkes Honors College of Florida Atlantic, 5353 Parkside Drive, Jupiter, FL 33458

From off-campus all numbers are (561) 799 ****. On campus just dial 6 and the last 4 digits.


Name (Click to E–Mail) Telephone Office   Title
Administrative Support
Anna Holmes (561) 799 8579 HC 128 Assistant to the Dean
Alex Coffman (561) 799 8620 HC 128 Coordinator of Academic Support Services
Brandon Garland (561) 799 8537 HC 145 Business Manager
Jessica Hibberd (561) 799 8665 AD 232 Development Coordinator
Faculty Support
Ayn Patrick (561) 799 8103 HC 110 Honors College Program Assistant
Honors College Academic Support

David Flanigan

(561) 799 8622 HC 132 Director of Academic Support Services

Jeff Schering

561-799-8647 HC 148 Assistant Director of Life & Health Sciences, Student Advising and Success
Honors College Lab Support

David Myers

(561) 799 8675 HC 150 Coordinator of Academic Support Services, Chemistry

Jill Rahaim

(561) 799 8370 HC 146 Associate Director of Academic Support Services, Chemistry

Samantha McGovern

(561) 799 8677 HC 170 Director of Academic Support Services, Biology
Financial Aid & Services
Chrissy Gass (561) 799 8633 SR 132 Director of Academic and Enrollment Management Services
Jolla Molinar (561) 799 8111 SR 135 Coordinator, Financial Aid
Admissions & Enrollment Management
Elyse Greenfeld (561) 799 8245 SR 118 Associate Director, Honors College Admissions
Joel Vander Horst (561) 799 8569 SR 119 Director, Admissions and Enrollment
Colleen Pettit (561) 799 8645 SR 117 Assistant Director, HC Admissions & Enrollment 
Marketing Team
Cara Perry (772) 332-0515 AD 228 Assistant Vice President for Communication, Florida Atlantic Northern Campuses
Chelsey Matheson (772) 285-8903 AD 227 Associate Director, Research Communications

Jupiter Campus Life Staff : click here 

Counseling and Psychological Services: click here

Jupiter Student Health Services: click here

Jupiter Career Center: click here

Jupiter Student Accessibility Services: click here

Student Housing: click here
Technology Support: click here
Mike Hampton (561) 799 8659 SR 285 Specialist, Computer Applications
Rob Vitale (561) 799 8035 SR 276 Specialist - Consulting & Systems Administration