
What does GPSA do for Graduate & Professional Students?

The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) represents FAU's graduate and professional student population.  We advocate for the unique voices/needs of graduate-professional students through a unified and representative body with programs such as travel grants, research grants, workshops, social events, networking opportunities, as well as representation on university committees.

GPSA provides and advocates for:

  • Social programming
  • Professional & Leadership development
  • Conference travel funding
  • Networking opportunities
  • Support Services for Graduate & Professional Student Organizations (GPSOs)
  • Academic support resources

We act as a conduit for the resolution of the needs and concerns unique to FAU graduate and professional students by coordinating our efforts with the Graduate College, Student Government, university administration, faculty from individual colleges, and the external community.  We also allocate and manage funding for graduate and professional student organizations events and activities. 

The GPSA is comprised of three campus based councils with oversight from the GPSA Board.  The Boca Raton GPSA, Broward GPSA and Northern GPSA work on campus-based issues while coordinating events and activities for their respective graduate student populations. For additional information about the programing we do, please email us at gpsa@fau.edu

The GPSA Office in located in Room 234, Boca Raton Student Union.  It boasts a small graduate and professional resources library such as test preparation guidebooks, interviewing tips, dissertation support, financial advice, and more.  Promotional items are in as well! Stop by the GPSA office to pick up some great items, free, just for graduate and professional students.


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