NSF Templates

The Division of Research has developed proposal templates for frequently-used sections of NSF proposals. This information does not substitute for the NSF Proposal & Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) or a NSF funding opportunity announcement’s specific instructions.

If you would like to access the templates, click on the links below. Access is limited to the FAU community only, via FAU email and password login.

General Formatting Instructions
Coming soon!
Biographical Sketch(es)
A biographical sketch (limited to two pages) is required for each individual identified as senior project personnel. Review the NSF biosketch criteria to ensure you have the most up-to-date format.
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Current and Pending Funding
This template provides a format for including all required information on current and pending support for ongoing projects and proposals, including your current project, and any subsequent funding in the case of continuing grants.
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Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources
Investigators are required to identify the facilities to be used at each performance site listed and, as appropriate, indicate their capacities, pertinent capabilities, relative proximity, and extent of availability to the project.
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Data Management Plans
Although there are standard components to quality data management plans, each NSF directorate has their own instructions for data management plans, e.g., some directorates have requirements to submit data sets to a particular NSF-sponsored research or educational center.
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Letter of Collaboration Template
Any substantial collaboration with individuals not included in the budget must be described and documented with a letter from each collaborator documenting their specific roles and tasks on the project. (Generally letters of support or endorsement should not be included unless the FOA specifically asks for letters of support as in the case of the SBIR program). This template provides the required format for NSF letters of collaboration.
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Postdoctoral Researcher Mentoring Plan
Mentoring plans should fit the project, the school’s goals and the needs of the postdoctoral researcher(s) to be mentored. Two sample mentoring plans are available.
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Broader Impact Activities
The Broader Impact requirements have changed significantly in recent years. In order to demonstrate the intellectual merit of your broader impact plan, you must describe what you’re going to do in the context of what others have done and most importantly, how you’re going to document performance, i.e., evaluate. Included are two sample plans for improving undergraduate education through FAU’s Office of Undergraduate Research Inquiry and community service learning.
Coming soon!
The NSF Summary Page
Provides guidelines for writing the summary page including an overview, intellectual merit and broader impact plans. The summary must be limited to 4,600 characters with spaces, written in 3rd person and publication ready.
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Results from Prior NSF Support
This template describes requirements for including information about prior NSF support.
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