Early Career Academy

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The Early Career Academy (ECA) helps new faculty members at Florida Atlantic establish a solid footing for their research and scholarship development. Through both virtual and in-person activities, we support exploration of the grant funding universe and development of your research aspirations.

Who is this for?

Whatever your field of interest, all PI-eligible faculty members may take part in the ECA (refer to FAU’s PI eligibility policy here ) if you have served in your position at Florida Atlantic for three years or less.

How long is the ECA?

The program runs from September through April. Through December, content focuses on research planning, with emphasis on learning more about early-career funding opportunities. From January through April, we focus more narrowly on best writing practices for grant proposals.

What is the format?

Individual asynchronous observation, discussion sessions online, two writing tasks, and one in-person workshop, supported by a Canvas site with resources.

What outcomes will I achieve?

Upon finishing the program, you will be comfortable matching your research goals with funding and networking opportunities. More specifically, you will have a two-year research plan, along with a proposal summary ready for development. You also will receive an acknowledgement of completion from the Vice President for Research.

To learn more and express your interest . . .

The Office of Research Development will supply a Canvas link for this program at the beginning of August 2024. Check back for updates!