Aerosols from cyanobacterial blooms: Exposure and health effects in a highly exposed populations

About This Study

Human exposure to cyanobacterial toxins have been reported to produce a variety of health effects, including respiratory irritation and liver and kidney damage. The goals of this study are 1.) To assess whether there are changes in health symptoms and biomarkers in people exposed to aerosols generated during cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms while living near or working on Lake Okeechobee, Florida and connecting rivers and estuaries and 2). Conduct exploratory analyses of the relationships between biomonitoring data and environmental data.

Participation Eligibility

  • 18 years or older
  • Understand English , Spanish and Haitian Creole
  • Spend at least two hours a day outside each day
  • Must be able to perform a lunch function test
  • Be willing to perform all study activities listed in the screening/bassline survey.

Participation and questions regarding this study, please contact:

headshot Shirley Gordon PhD, RN

Shirley Gordon PhD, RN
Phone: (562) 297-2457