Angela E. Rhone


Dr. Angela Rhone, Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction in Florida Atlantic University (FAU)’s College of Education teaches undergraduate courses in educational psychology. She joined the University as Assistant Professor in 1995, was tenured and became Associate Professor in 2001, and promoted to Professor in 2012. She continues to further her own research on multicultural education.

Dr. Rhone was named the 2014 College of Education Distinguished Teacher of the Year. Dr. Rhone also received high honors when she received the 2011 Faculty Member of the Year Award. This Award is a FAU Broward Achievement Award. She presently serves as Director of the Seminar for International Teaching Assistants (SITA) for the 2013-2014 school year and also served during the 2012-2013 school year. The SITA program helps prepare international graduate students to teach undergraduate students at FAU. Dr. Rhone is presently working on her research: Factors that affect Academic Achievement of First Generation Haitian and First Generation Jamaican Students in the K-12 System in the United States. With Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Broward School Board approval to do the study, Dr. Rhone has been working with several first generation Haitian and first generation Jamaican students at Plantation High School in Broward county. She is also working with Dr. Victoria Brown, Assistant Provost and Associate Professor, Academic Affairs, and Dr. Eileen Ariza, Professor, Teaching and Learning, on several articles that relate to multicultural education and technology.


  • Ed.D. University of North Carolina, Curriculum & Teaching (1988)
  • M.Ed. New York University, English Education
  • B. A. City University of New York, English Education

Angela Rhone

Angela Rhone

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Office Location: ES BC52 - 227
Campus: Davie