Thank You, Johnson Scholarship Foundation!

Friday, Feb 11, 2022
Florida Atlantic University student using laptop

Thank you to The Johnson Scholarship Foundation for another generous donation to Florida Atlantic University! This week, the Foundation gifted a $934,000 award that will benefit first-generation transfer students. When combined with state and private matching funds, the gift will have a total scholarship impact of $3.3 million over four years and provide opportunities for several hundred students.
With this special gift to the University, the Johnson Transfer Scholars Program at FAU aims to improve the retention, matriculation, graduation and career readiness of first-generation transfer students. This includes important wrap-around support and career services designed to enhance overall employability upon graduation.
In the past, the Johnson Scholarship Foundation invested in FAU students with a grant to support the Office of First-Generation Student Success, as well as scholarships for students with disabilities. During the pandemic, the Foundation also awarded funding to provide student laptops that accommodated e-learning.
I am grateful for the Johnson Scholarship Foundation’s dedication to serving disadvantaged students and its commitment to improving access to higher education for all. This recent gift is a valued contribution that will help FAU further its efforts to eliminate equity gaps in degree completion.

We look forward to welcoming the first cohort of Johnson Transfer Scholars in fall 2022!