In 2019, Florida Atlantic University’s Department of Emergency Management launched its NextGen EM Internship Program. From its inception, the vision for the program was to create an educational space that allows current Florida Atlantic University undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to cultivate experiences rooted in developing skills and gaining a deeper understanding of learned concepts through hands-on application of knowledge learned in the classroom. Since its beginning, the program has followed its mission to promote and support the next generation of emergency managers.

The NextGen EM Internship Program is grounded in an educational and practitioner-based methodology designed to create an environment that enables participants to develop career skills, talents, and strengths to be competitive candidates with a firm grasp on the modern-day emergency manager.

To accomplish the vision, mission, and goal the NextGen EM Internship Program is structured around four core areas (training, projects & programs, career development, and networking) that promote the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) career readiness areas and the next-generation core competencies for emergency management professionals.

What to Expect
Interns will develop an understanding of Emergency Management goals and their correlation to institutional higher-education related goals. Additionally, interns will gain transferable skills that will have real-life application such as:

  • Communication Skills
  • Work Ethic & Professionalism
  • Teamwork/Collaboration Skills
  • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Digital Technology Skills
  • Global/Intercultural Fluency
  • Career Management
Potential Projects include:

  • Development, implementation, and management of unit-level emergency planning.
  • Develop logistics for training and exercises, including but not limited to; coordination of facilities, staff assignments, participant registration and tracking, and resource procurement.
  • Assist in the management of FAU Emergency Management public education and awareness campaigns.
  • Support the maintenance of the Department of Emergency Management strategic planning elements.
  • Perform other related duties assigned by the supervisor.      
Internship Periods
Internships are offered each semester and typically last approximately 12 weeks (3 months). Opportunities to entend the duration of the internship may be available.

  • Spring (January through April)
  • Summer (May through July)
  • Fall (August through December)
Who Qualifies
Applicants must be:

  • A current degree-seeking FAU student 
  • In good academic standing with the University 
  • Able to work between 15 to 20 hours per week for a minimum of 12 weeks (3 months). All internships are on a Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm schedule.

Ideal applicants have:

How to Apply
Internships are offered every semester. Applicants can visit Handshake and search "Emergency Management - Intern".


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I apply?
To apply for the internship program, visit the link below and search "Emergency Managment - Intern"

Sign In | Handshake (
When should I apply?
Internship opportunities are available at the beginning of every semester. Applicants are encouraged to apply early. 
What are the eligibility requirements?

Applicants must be:


  • A current degree-seeking FAU student
  • In good academic standing with the University
  • Able to work an 15 to 20 hours per week for a minimum of 12 weeks (3 months).


Ideal applicants have:


Can all majors apply?

Internship opportunities are available for individuals studying emergency management, urban and regional planning, public relations, technological information, public administration, education, public health, business administration, meteorology, law, finance, social sciences, and any other relevant degrees.


Positions are available for undergrad, graduate and PhD level students.

Can I get academic credit for the internship?

Interns are not required but encouraged to register for Professional Internship Course IDS 3949 (0-4 credits) with the FAU Career Center.

How long is the internship period?
Internships last approximately 12 weeks (3 months). Opportunities to extend the duration of the internship may be available. 

  • Spring (January through April)
  • Summer (May through July)
  • Fall (August through December)
Are internships compensated?

Benefits to the internship experience include university credit hours, practical work experience, training, and networking opportunities. Internships are unpaid.

What type of work will I do?

Interns will develop an understanding of Emergency Management goals and their correlation to institutional higher-education related goals. Additionally, interns will gain transferable skills that will have real-life application such as:

  • Communication skills
  • Work Ethic & Professionalism
  • Teamwork/Collaboration Skills
  • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Skills
  • Leadership Skills
  • Digital Technology Skills
  • Global/Intercultural Fluency
  • Career Manangement

Potential Projects include:

  • Development, implementation, and management of unit-level emergency planning.
  • Develop logistics for training and exercises, including but not limited to; coordination of facilities, staff assignments, participant registration and tracking, and resource procurement.
  • Assist in the management of FAU Emergency Management public education and awareness campaigns.
  • Support the maintenance of the Department of Emergency Management strategic planning elements.
  • Perform other related duties assigned by the supervisor. 
What if my question isn't answered here?
Please direct any questions regarding the NextGenEM Internship Program to




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Campus Operations Building
(69) Boca Raton Campus
