Naming Conventions

Hero Captions

  • Do not have more than 5 images in the slider
  • A concise title of around 50 characters in length (i.e. From "A-Z, More Than 170 Degree Programs")
  • A short call-to-action in the button (i.e. "Support Your Owls")
  • All words in the title are bold and white
  • The call-to-action is upper-case and in a blue button

Image "Alt" Tags

All images should have an "alt" tag when used on a page. Alt tags need to be provided for accessibility and provides alternate text for an image, if the image cannot be displayed.

Follow these principles when creating your alt tag:

  • The alt tag should describe the image
  • If an image is linked, the alt tag should explain where the link goes

File/Folder Names

  • Create short meaningful labels for folders and pages. Use natural descriptive language and think about how the name would read in the context of the full URL. Consider others who may be working on your site in the future when naming your files and folders. For example: /benpay/ is confusing, but /benefits/ is acceptable. /facilitation_consultation_services/ is extremely long and could be easily replaced by /facilitation/.
  • Do not use acronyms For example: /edctfund/ is confusing, but /edu-funding/ or /funding/ is acceptable
  • The url should read like a sentence and have a good flow For example: /training/required/new-employees
  • Use a full word or if you are using two words, shorten the first. For example: if your navigation item is Undergraduate Students, you can use either /undergraduate/ or /undergrad/ or /undergrad-students/
  • Avoid using numbers or special characters unless it is absolutely necessary: For example: /archive2012/ is acceptable
  • Do not use spaces in between words. Spaces convert to “%20” in the address bar, confusing and extending the URL and adds to load time. Use a hyphen for spaces, as this makes the URL easier to read.