Dating Violence Statistical Overview

  • In 1998, one-third of all murdered females were killed by an intimate partner (Rennison and Welchans May 2000).
  • During 1998, women were the victims of intimate partner violence about five times more often than males. There were 767 female victims of intimate partner violence per 100,000 women that year, compared to 146 male victims (Ibid.).
  • Between 1993 and 1998, about half of the intimate partner violence against women was reported to police. Black women were more likely than other women to report such violence (Ibid.).
  • About 45% of the female intimate violence victims in 1998 lived in households with children younger than twelve years old (Ibid.).
  • According to the FBI's  Uniform Crime Report, spousal abuse (including common-law spouses) accounted for 43% of all family violence incidents reported to police in 1998 (FBI 17 October 1999).
  • Victims of family violence are overwhelmingly female--71% for family violence versus 58% for all other types of violence (Ibid., 281).
  • A slightly larger percentage of family violence victims are white compared to victims of overall violence, 74% and 72%, respectively (Ibid.).
  • In 15.1% of family murders, the offender used his/her feet, hands, or fists to kill his/her intended victim (Ibid., 282).
  • In 1996, women experienced an estimated 840,000 rapes, sexual assaults, robberies, aggravated assaults, and simple victimizations at the hands of an intimate, down from 1.1 million in 1993 (BJS 18 February 1999).
  • Intimate violence is primarily a crime against women. In 1996, females were the victims of about 75% of murders of intimates and about 85% of nonlethal intimate violence (Ibid., 1).
  • About 10% of all handgun purchase applications were rejected in 1998 because the applicant had been convicted of a domestic violence offense, and 3% were rejected because the applicant was the subject of a domestic violence protection order (BJS June 1999,1).
  • Among women victimized by a violent intimate in 1996, about two-thirds of black females reported the abuse to law enforcement professionals, but only about one-half of white female victims did (BJS March 1998, 19).
  • Nearly six in ten female domestic violence victims in 1996 reported that police responded within ten minutes of receiving the report of abuse (Ibid., 20).
  • Data from the National Violence Against Women Survey indicate that violence against women is predominantly intimate partner violence. Of the women who reported being raped and/or physically assaulted since the age of eighteen, three-quarters were victimized by a current or former husband, cohabiting partner, date, or boyfriend (NIJ and CDC 1998, 12).
  • When raped or physically assaulted by a current or former intimate partner, women were significantly more likely than men to sustain injuries and to report the assault, whether the time frame considered was the person's lifetime or the preceding twelve months preceding the survey (Ibid.).