Scheduling the Interview

Before contacting any applicant to schedule an interview it is important to select an appropriate venue.  To avoid any appearance of discrimination, the interview location should be selected based on ease of access for all applicants, void of any unusual distractions.

When contacting applicants to schedule an interview, be prepared to provide the applicant with the following information:

  • Describe the interview process
  • Provide date, time and anticipated length of the interview
  • Provide the name and titles of interviewers
  • Inform the applicant of the number of interviewers and number of interviews planned for the day, for example, there may be three interviewers in the room, or there may be a series of interviews with three separate interviewers
  • Provide address, building location and directions (mail or email information to applicant if possible)
  • Provide information regarding on-campus parking
  • Provide your name, title and contact information in the event the applicant must reach you before the scheduled interview