VIII. Reference Check

Reference checks are an important final step to the interview process. This is the opportunity for the hiring manager to obtain information on the applicant’s past performance and to confirm prior experience and job requirements. Checking an applicant’s reference takes pre-planning. As with conducting an interview, prepare your questions in advance. Include questions that confirm the applicant’s responsibilities with their previous/current employer as well as their performance in the position. Hiring managers should inform potential candidates that their current employer will be contacted prior to a firm offer of employment. For further assistance, please read “Conducting a Reference Check”. 

While some employers will not respond to requests for reference checks it is important to make the effort. If necessary, contact the applicant for additional references who can speak directly to their prior performance.

Checking prior job performance should not be limited to non-FAU applicants. Past performance is a good predictor of future behavior. Hiring departments are strongly urged to contact Employee Relations to review personnel files of current or previous employees prior to concluding the selection process.