Students Collaborate with Max Plank Florida Institute for Neuroscience

by Bethany Alex | Wednesday, Jul 27, 2022
FAU students Seth Goldin,  FAU High School – Jupiter Campus , in partnership with Max Planck Academy, and Skylar Anthony,  FAU's Wilkes Honors College , worked with researchers at  Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience  to develop software that helps analyze the precise location of proteins in the brain in an automated and efficient manner. This user-friendly software, "Gold In-and-Out" or "GIO," was also recognized in a recent publication of the scientific journal,  Frontiers in Neuroanatomy .
“The software provides a time savings of up to 24 times for each data set," Goldin said. "It is also open-source, requires no programming skills, and is packaged in an intuitive interface.” ...  Read more .
Photo credit: Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience