New Users Guide

Note to all users: Acknowledgements

Our funding is justified in part upon your citing the Neurobehavior Core when publishing data that was acquired in the Neurobehavior Core. This would include results of behavior tests, training in the use of hardware/software, and any data analysis done, etc. The minimum acceptable acknowledgement should read:
Experiments/Data analysis/presentation [include what you use] were performed in part through the use of the FAU Neurobehavior Core.

New users should contact the managing director, Maureen Hahn, Ph.D.,, with a description of the planned project, to determine how the Core can meet their needs. New Users who would like to initiate a neurochemical analysis should additionally contact Rania Katamish,, with a description of the planned project.

Each user must complete the FAU Neurobehavior Core User Agreement, and other required policy documents linked below. An introduction to the facility and equipment-specific training can then be scheduled prior to starting a project. Following training, users will gain full approval and access to schedule their own sessions.

Prior to any training and access to the Core, all users must have already completed FAU Animal Research Mandatory Training,

Steps to use the Neurobehavior Core:

  • Contact Neurobehavior Core managing director,Maureen Hahn, Ph.D, to discuss the project.
  • If the project includes neurochemical analyses, additionally contact Neurobehavior Core Rania Katamish,
  • Complete FAU Animal Research Mandatory Training, including a facility orientation tour through Comparative Medicine.
  • Get approved for behavioral studies via an IACUC protocol.
  • Complete all required Neurobehavior Core documents, with signature from PI.
  • Request training from the Core Managing Director, both general training in use of the Core and specific training in equipment. Use your FAU ID to log in to the PPMS website at and complete an online request form.

Neurobehavior Core Required Policy Documents:

FAU Neurobehavior Core User Agreement

FAU Neurobehavior Core Cleaning SOP

FAU Neurobehavior Core Preparation of Subjects