Students having fun on campus
Florida Atlantic First Year Experience


First Year Experience

The First Year Experience (FYE) Program is an exciting interdisciplinary initiative designed to provide first-year students with the resources and support to facilitate a successful transition to Florida Atlantic University. FYE serves as a roadmap of key experiences which will build academic, social, career, and self-advocacy skills as well as a sense of community. The goal of FYE is to provide opportunities for students to get involved in and out of the classroom so they can DISCOVER their passions, DREAM about their futures, and DESIGN and DELIVER on a plan to soar in all their endeavors.


Make your transition from high school to college seamless by participating in FAU programs and events that are designed to help you connect to your new school.

FAU Days |  Orientation |  Major KnOWLedge |  EZ Advising |  Open House |  Convocation |  How2FAU |  Residential/Commuter Check-in Day |  Jump Start |  Camp Owls |  Mentoring


Develop your FAU community spirit and an understanding of civic engagement by participating in community building and volunteer activities.

Weeks of Welcome |  Leadership Opportunities |  Attend iLead |  Fraternity/Sorority Life |  Clubs and Organizations |  Weppner Center for LEAD & Service-Learning |  Learning Communities |  Owl Traditions and Building Wide Events |  Community Spirit


Become more aware of your strengths, learn about others’ perspectives, and utilize problem-solving skills by participating in career exploration and leadership opportunities.

Major KnOWLedge |  What Can I Do With This Major? |  Career Certificate Program |  Career Certificate Program |  Deciding on a Major Program |  OwlBreaks |  Certified Student Leaders Program |  Leadership Reading Circles

DEVELOP (Cultural Competence)

Learn aspects of identity, diversity, and inclusion as it pertains to individual, community, and societal interactions.

Student Organizations & Activities |  Programs offered by the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs |  IFP Coursework |  Real Talk Series |  Real Talk Series |  WeLead |  Campus Difference Training Center for Global Engagement Women and Gender Equity Resource Center

STRENGTHEN (Academic Skills)

Identify and utilize the campus resources that will help you achieve academic success.

Undergraduate Research |  Utilize at least two Campus Resources |  FYE Class |  FYE Program |  Tutoring |  Utilize Academic Advising |  Midterm Grades & Early Warnings |  Supplemental Instruction |  Attend UCEW Workshops |  ACCESS Workshops |  Campus Events |  Math Learning Center |  eSuccess |  Peer Coaching

Last Updated: 09/06/2024