Department of Theatre and Dance Presents ‘The Children’s Hour’

by N. Jacobsen | Monday, Sep 17, 2018
Children's Hour

FAU’s Department of Theatre and Dance presents Lillian Hellman’s “The Children’s Hour” from Friday, Sept. 28 through Sunday, Oct. 7 in Studio One, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton campus. Shows are at 2 and 7 p.m. and tickets can be purchased for $22 at or by calling 561-297-6124.

Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and the crowning achievement of Hellman’s career, this beautiful classic American play explores the relationship of two women who find themselves accused of having a lesbian relationship with devastating repercussions. While written in the 1930s, “The Children’s Hour” remains a fresh and relevant exploration of love, honesty, and the destructive nature of gossip and intolerance. The play is directed by Kathryn
Johnston, professor of theater at FAU.

For more information about FAU’s Department of Theatre and Dance, visit


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