Student Travel

University-Related Student Travel Abroad is defined as University-sponsored or supported travel abroad for undergraduate or graduate student individuals or student groups conducted as part of a program elective or required activity, research project, internship, service learning, volunteer activity, performance, competition, athletics, or any other activity connected to an individual’s status as an active FAU student, regardless of the funding source.

Please visit the University-Related Student Travel Abroad to learn more about the application and approval process.

Information for trip advisors/sponsors/leaders: coming soon!



All university-related travel is required to comply with University Policy 1.19 Global Travel Safety and Security.

As part of the policy:

  • All Travelers must check their travel abroad destination against the University’s travel risk list prior to submitting a travel request and adhere to all applicable processes and procedures associated with each risk category.
  • All Travelers engaging in University-related travel must register their travel with the Global Travel Safety and Security Committee travel registry regardless of U.S. State Department designation.
  • All Travelers engaging in University-related travel must complete the Global Travel Liability Waiver regardless of the risk level of the international destination.
  • Participation in pre-departure orientations or related acclimation or assimilation activities is strongly encouraged and may be mandated by the Global Travel Safety and Security Committee or individual programs.
  • Any person traveling abroad with access to or in possession of University property at any time during the travel period must adhere to all applicable University policies, protocols, and procedures to safeguard, protect, and responsibly use and share the data, records or property, including compliance with all applicable export control laws and regulations.
  • If a spouse or dependent is accompanying a Traveler, the person on University-related travel must indicate this in the travel registry.
  • Travelers must follow the United States and state laws related to traveling abroad, as well as laws applicable in the countries visited.
  • All student Travelers shall:
    • Receive pre-travel authorization for University-related travel abroad.
    • Register their travel abroad with the University prior to traveling.
    • Enroll in approved international insurance.


Committee Review Process Overview 

University travel must be authorized in advance of travel. As part of the process, travel that is identified by the U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level as a Level 3 or Level 4 must be reviewed by the Global Safety and Security Committee. Travel that meets this parameter will be automatically sent to the Committee when organized and facilitated through Student Travel or the Center for Global Engagement.

Upon receipt, the Global Travel Safety and Security Committee will review the travel elements and in turn provide their recommendation to the respective decision maker.

If you received approval to travel internationally, but received conditional approval for the OIT review portion, please open a helpdesk ticket and select one of the two options below based on the conditions for your travel.

  1. Assistance with device encryption for my existing devices (No need to do this if your device(s) is already encrypted).
  2. Obtaining clean loaner devices for my travel.