
This Virtual Visitors’ Center is an educational tool to showcase Abacoa’s unique features and the effort put forth by the community to attain Green Land Development Certification awarded by the Florida Green Building Coalition.

This website is a product of a partnership between Abacoa Partnership for Community and the Florida Atlantic University (FAU) School of Urban and Regional Planning. Throughout the application process to the Florida Green Building Coalition, professors and graduate students from the university have worked closely with Abacoa Partnership for Community members on several components of the application for certification and the subsequent creation of this website. The application to the Florida Green Building Coalition is located in the "Florida Green Building Certification" tab above.

Abacoa is located in Jupiter, FL and it is a mixed-use development based on the principles of the Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) model. To find out more about TND, please visit the "Sustainability" tab on the menu above. Within the "Sustainability" tab you will also find information on water use responsibility and preservation of natural areas within Abacoa, including the management plans that Abacoa uses to ensure the maintenance and protection of the upland preserve, water, gopher tortoise, and the prescriptive fires.