FAU Healthy Minds Study

What is the Healthy Minds Study?

The Healthy Minds Study (HMS) is an annual web-based survey on mental health that has been conducted at about 300 colleges and universities with over 300,000 undergraduate, graduate, and online students.

With the changes we are all experiencing from COVID-19, information from HMS is more important than ever. Links to the confidential survey were sent out to all FAU students in a series of emails from President John Kelly. The first wave of the survey was open for FAU student completion from January 27 through February 28, and the second wave of surveys, the COVID-19 edition, was open from April 17 through the end of the spring 2020 semester. All students were eligible to complete the COVID-19 edition of HMS, including those students who completed the first wave of surveys, so that we have a complete picture of the needs and experiences of all FAU students.

Are my responses private?

Yes. HMS is confidential and voluntary. HMS is run by a first-class research team out of University of Michigan. FAU will receive de-identified data from them that will not include your name, Z number, or any other information about you that might allow someone to identify your survey responses. You may choose to skip some questions or stop taking the survey at any point. You may also go back to the survey to finish completing it while the survey is open.

How is the survey data going to be used?

HMS first launched nationally in 2007 and is designed to provide data on the most effective ways for universities and colleges to invest in mental health resources and programs for their students. HMS is one of the only annual higher education surveys that focuses exclusively on mental health and related issues. HMS examines service utilization and help-seeking behavior, including factors such as stigma, knowledge, and the role of peers. Our HMS results will allow FAU to learn more about the mental health and wellness needs of FAU students, how mental health issues interfere with academic performance, and what additional programs and services are needed at FAU. Academic Affairs and Student Affairs teams are collaborating to make the best use of these findings and develop programs and resources to better support our students.

What is completing the HMS like?

HMS is a survey that is completed online and takes most people 20-25 minutes.

 Last Modified 12/29/21