Dr. Annette LaRocco at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society

Monday, Jun 25, 2018
larocco at carson center

Dr. Annette LaRocco attended a workshop at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society and presented her paper entitled “Memory as claim-making in Kalahari socio-environments”. This workshop, “Sites of Remembering: Landscapes—Lessons—Policies”, aimed to discuss, identify and evaluate ways in which social sciences and humanities can use memory studies to engage with the problems we encounter in the world today, and bridge the divide between academic disciplines, and academia and policy. The general theme was the role of memory studies in formulating public policy in the context of environmental change and natural disasters.

This workshop is facilitated by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany. The workshop is funded by the European Commission, by way of the Marie Curie ENHANCE ITN.