POT 3023 Honors History of Political Thought II
Fall 2005

Tunick > POT 3023

J.S. Mill

  1. Life
  2. Key Themes in Mill’s Work
  3. Mill as a tolerant imperialist?
  4. Mill and the problem of culture clash
  5. Other topics (time permitting)
    1. Mill's theory of representation
      • Rejects rule by philosopher-kings
        1. We might expect him to endorse philosopher-kings
        2. But Mill insists on what Hegel calls 'subjectivity': "If a person possesses any tolerable amount of common sense and experience, his own mode of laying out his existence is the best, not because it is the best in itself, but because it is his own mode”(On Liberty).
      • Mill on representative government
        1. Overview: A consequentialist justification for participatory representation
        2. Limited role of the representative body
        3. Mill on the extension of suffrage
    2. Mill's Socialism